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Cat6 Cables vs Fiber Optic Cables: What Is the Difference?

Cat6 Cables vs Fiber Optic Cables: What Is the Difference?

The transfer of digital data wouldn’t be possible without cables. Two main types of cables that are leading the way in enabling VoIP systems and connecting servers or terminal equipment such as switches, routers, workstations, and printers are the newest model of...

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Tips for Successful Migration to QuickBooks Cloud Solutions

Tips for Successful Migration to QuickBooks Cloud Solutions

Migrating your financial operations to QuickBooks Cloud Solutions can be a game-changer in today's dynamic business domain. It offers the flexibility, accessibility, and robust features businesses need to thrive. However, the migration process can be complex, and...

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Cybersecurity for Remote Workers: Best Practices and Tools

Cybersecurity for Remote Workers: Best Practices and Tools

In today's interconnected world, remote work has become the new norm for many professionals. According to a February 2023 survey by the Pew Research Center, around 35% of US employees now work remotely full-time. While this brings convenience and flexibility, it also...

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Top Security Risk Management Habits to Adopt

Top Security Risk Management Habits to Adopt

When it comes to keeping your business and personal data safe, it is essential to have a security risk management plan in place. The projected global expenditure on security and risk management is expected to experience an 11.3% growth rate in 2023. Establishing the...

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Effective Ways to Mitigate Cybersecurity Risks

Effective Ways to Mitigate Cybersecurity Risks

  Cybersecurity is a critical concern for businesses of all sizes, as the rise of technology has also led to a surge in cyber threats. Malware attacks and data breaches are just two of the many potential risks associated with an insecure digital environment....

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7 Cybersecurity Trends You Should Know About For 2023

7 Cybersecurity Trends You Should Know About For 2023

It is estimated that about 5.07 billion people in the world use the internet today. From getting their daily news to shopping for groceries to doing business, everything is done in cyberspace. It's no wonder countries globally are investing billions of dollars in...

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How Can ERP Services Improve Operational Efficiency

How Can ERP Services Improve Operational Efficiency

ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning and refers to software that can enhance your entire business by integrating every department in your organization. It’s an excellent multifunctional tool that gets your whole business data centralized into one database. This...

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Understanding Managed Security Services and Their Benefits

Understanding Managed Security Services and Their Benefits

Cyber-related crimes have also been at an all-time high with the advent of technology. Businesses must develop new ways to protect their data from cyber threats. What Are Managed Security Services and How Can They Benefit Me? Subsequently, there has been a growth in...

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Why Is Cybersecurity Important For Small Businesses

Why Is Cybersecurity Important For Small Businesses

The notion that cybersecurity only matters to billion-dollar companies is misconceived. Tech giants or multinational firms face cybersecurity threats often. However, these companies usually have cybersecurity teams and boards to manage the situation. This may not be...

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The Risks Associated with an Over-Reliance on GPS

The Risks Associated with an Over-Reliance on GPS

Whether we are traveling to a new country or just going to a theme park with friends and family, one thing that we often rely on throughout our journey is GPS. Global Positioning System, popularly known as GPS, provides geolocation and time information across the...

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10 Ways You Can Improve Your Risk Management Process

10 Ways You Can Improve Your Risk Management Process

Whether it’s taking the train to work, crossing the street, climbing mountains, trying new health supplements, making a major lifestyle change, completing a business deal, or investing in a financial product, risk is an inherent part of every aspect of human life....

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Ruggedizing Data Security with Managed Security Services

Ruggedizing Data Security with Managed Security Services

Data is the new oil that keeps the business engines humming and drives growth. It can enable new pathways for businesses and help them reach overarching business benefits. However, as the data generated by business systems increasingly inundate businesses, a need for...

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What is Endpoint Backup and Why Do You Need it?

What is Endpoint Backup and Why Do You Need it?

We operate in a more digital and global environment now than ever before. Companies are accustomed to working remotely or with staff and collaborators located all over the world. BYOD (bring your own device) settings provide value, but they can pose a data security...

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