Today, numerous businesses worldwide rely on the Internet for services like email, social media, search, cloud storage, and e-commerce. While these services have connected businesses globally and smoothened business operations, they have exposed businesses to potential cyberattacks.

With cyberattacks on the rise globally, it’s crucial for your business to have a robust network firewall in place. In this article, we’ll examine what a firewall is and why it’s essential for your business.

What Is a Firewall?

A firewall is a network security device in the form of computer hardware or software. It can help protect your network by keeping out unapproved users.

However, unlike antivirus software which prevents intruders from installing malicious viruses on your device, a firewall deters intruders from accessing your system in the first place.

When up and running, a firewall monitors all incoming and outgoing traffic on your network, protecting your business’s network from harmful internal and external threats.

Remember, whether large or small, all businesses require firewalls to protect their networks. Here are seven reasons why network firewall security is essential for your business.

7 Reasons Businesses Need Network Firewall Security

1. A Firewall Offers Protection Against Hackers and Other Unauthorized Users

A firewall is your internal network’s first line of defense against external threats like hackers. Without a firewall, external users can easily infiltrate your internal network and access your sensitive data without your knowledge.

A firewall can block external attacks and raise the alarm if it detects harmful incoming traffic on your network, ensuring your data remains safe.

2. A Firewall Can Allow You to Restrict Access to Certain Websites

Besides preventing unapproved users from accessing your network, firewalls can also prevent access to certain websites on your network. For example, you can block your employees from accessing social media sites if you notice they waste a lot of time on them. Plus, you can do this while still allowing your marketing team to access social media sites. In addition, you can also block access to unapproved websites you don’t want your employees to visit, such as gambling and pornography websites.

As a result, firewalls can allow you to control what your employees view at work and also increase productivity by preventing access to time-wasting sites.

3. A Firewall Can Protect Your Network from Malicious Code

Computer networks run on coding languages. Coding languages allow computers to receive instructions in order to perform certain functions. Unfortunately, while a lot of code is beneficial, a lot of code is also harmful. Malicious code can wreak havoc on your network and allow hackers and other unauthorized users to breach your network and destroy or access valuable data.

A firewall can protect your network by screening all the code that comes in and out of your system. It can look out for and block viruses, worms, and spam, protecting your network’s systems and your sensitive data.

4. A Firewall Can Allow You to Control Bandwidth

In addition to providing security, a robust firewall can also let you regulate the bandwidth available for certain types of data.

Think of your bandwidth like a freeway and your data as cars traveling on the freeway at the same speed. When there are several lanes on the freeway, the cars will get to the destination fast. On the other hand, when there are fewer lanes, the cars will take longer to get to their destination.

Bandwidth works in pretty much the same way. If you’re downloading small files, they’ll download fast. On the other hand, if you’re downloading large files like uncompressed videos and photos, they’ll take longer to download.

A firewall can allow you to limit the amount of bandwidth available for content unrelated to work like non-business videos, music, and photos. This can improve network performance and result in higher network speeds since you’ll reserve bandwidth for work-related activities.

5. A Firewall Can Allow You to Provide VPN Services

A virtual private network (VPN) encrypts communication, enabling it to travel securely over the Internet.

Most firewalls offer VPN services. Using a firewall’s VPN functionality, you can encrypt data between the computers within your network and those in remote offices, ensuring the data you share with remote employees travels securely.

6. A Firewall Can Safeguard Data in the Cloud

Nowadays, most businesses store their data in the cloud rather than on on-site servers. While storing data in the cloud offers several benefits, it also comes with some risks.

When you store your data in the cloud, it isn’t on a server you control—instead, a third-party service handles it, which presents some risks.

Fortunately, a robust firewall can minimize the risks of storing your data with a third-party cloud service. Whenever you need to retrieve data from the cloud, the firewall will monitor all the incoming traffic to ensure no external threats infiltrate your network.

7. A Firewall Can Offer Round the Clock Protection

As a business owner, it’s unlikely you have the time to monitor your network constantly. While you can hire an IT professional to monitor your network, hiring additional personnel can significantly increase your overhead costs.

A firewall can protect your network 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Plus, a firewall can work diligently without getting tired or needing a break, unlike an employee. It’s an excellent option that can save you money and allow you to focus on the core aspects of your business while it handles everything to do with network security.

Get Network Firewall Security for Your Business Today

A robust firewall is crucial to the security of your network. It can prevent unauthorized users from accessing your network, protect your network from malicious code, and safeguard your data in the cloud. It can also enhance productivity by controlling bandwidth and blocking access to certain websites. Plus, it can do all these things tirelessly all day and night.

If you want to experience these benefits, Data Safe Group in Rockaway, NJ, can help you develop and implement an effective firewall to protect your business from external threats. Contact us today to learn more about network firewall security and its benefits!

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